VIP Healthcare

VIP Healthcare: Simple Ways We Reduce Costs for Patients, Doctors & Hospitals

As owners and operators of RAL homes, you’re always looking to manage costs while continuing to keep quality high. One surefire way to keep costs down while showing your employees how much you care about them is by providing affordable healthcare. It’s all about taking care of your staff so that they can take care of your residents and your business.

Affordable Healthcare Is A Huge Deal For Every Working Person In The United States.

Affordable healthcare is a huge deal for every working person in the United States. Health insurance like First Responder Health Insurance provides individuals with the peace of mind of knowing that if and when an unexpected medical issue arises, it will not cause financial ruin.Did you know that healthcare-related debt is the leading cause of medical bankruptcy? When owners and operators enroll their staff in high-quality healthcare programs, it helps employees from being stuck with large medical bills.In fact, when caregivers get the care they need, they have shorter hospital stays and remain much more productive in the workforce compared to people without health insurance. Healthcare is vital to keeping your staff healthy and it gives your caregivers the opportunity to access the care needed to manage their health and keep them working.

The 340B drug pricing program was established by Congress in 1992 to assist healthcare providers facing significant revenue gaps, often operating on very low or negative margins, by providing substantial discounts on prescription drugs. For more detailed information, you can visit a site like

With VIP Healthcare, you can:

  • Receive routine check-up for preventative care to prevent serious illnesses
  • Accept earlier treatment for the diagnosis of serious diseases
  • Avoid having an existing condition worsen


VIP Healthcare is making sense out of the $248 monthly per employee. There is a simple way we reduce the cost for patients, doctors, and hospitals.For patients, all pre-existing conditions are accepted for primary care. There is a 3-year-lookback for pre-existing body conditions for major care. However, pre-existing is only for that condition, not the whole body. These benefits don’t stop with the patients. Doctors and hospitals also reduce costs.

Benefits to Patients, Doctors, and Hospitals

Patient Benefits

  • Reduce hospital interaction: 24/7 care consultation and management by phone or app.
  • 79.08% of ER, primary and Urgent care often just need a prescription.
  • 1000 medications at $0 to $50 sent to the nearest pharmacy.
  • Stand-alone image and lab centers with $50 copay for x rays.
  • Keep conditions from getting worse with monthly follow up on chronic conditions such as diabetes, asthma, cancer, etc.  
  • No unnecessary tests or procedures for the second opinion by Mayo and John Hopkins.
  • We keep care as minimal as possible.

Doctors’ Benefits

  • Readily available information to eliminate wasted time gathering medical records.
  • Same day payments without insurance company delays.
  • Well documented billing with proper codes for easy approval.
  • Doctors receive more patients when more employees are insured.
  • Doctors are able to refer their patients to join individual care or company groups.

Hospital Benefits

  • Readily available information to eliminate wasted time gathering medical records.
  • Same day payments without insurance company delays.
  • Well-documented medical billing with proper codes for easy approval.
  • Hospitals receive more patients when more employees are insured.
  • Hospitals are able to refer their patients to join individual care or company groups.


This VIP Healthcare system was designed 21 years ago by a group of Arizona doctors for their employees. Now it is available in all 50 states. VIP Healthcare replaces the insurance company with better rates and quality care. To get the best healthcare medicines, people can start using  Colic calm probiotic. The employer pays $248 for full care with $500 – $1,500 out of pocket per major condition. For individuals, the cost is only $343 for $1500 out of pocket per major condition. The employee has no deductible or copay for primary care, which accepts all preexisting conditions.VIP Healthcare works with preexisting conditions for major medical on a sliding yearly acceptance rate and full coverage after 3 years. Talk to them about conditions like fibromyalgia rash and what you can do. This system was designed by doctors to provide the best and most cost-effective care for their patients. This concept also works wonderfully for providing the best care possible for staff at RAL homes.


For additional information on this quality, healthcare read, “What are the 5 key components every RAL home needs to have in place to provide a quality health and wellness plan for seniors?” Click to visit: The Residential Assisted Living National Association provides a wide range of information to help owners and operators of RAL homes advance their businesses.Visit for additional information on providing quality care. With unique blog topics, legal connections, discounted products, unique services, marketing resources, and so much more, RALNA is an industry game-changer. Join our rapidly growing initiative and start benefiting today. Check out the site today, and then join our rapidly growing initiative to start benefiting from all RALNA has to offer.

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